November, Lanched natural sugar Todi Farm 650g version2 Queen's Farm
October, Opened the NCI KOREA site for superfood and health food introduction (www.ncikorea.com) (Thursday, Oct. 5, 2017)
May, NCI KOREA's own shopping mall opened (www.iamahouse.com)
April, Heajuksun participated in the 8th International Food Service Industry Expo (2017.4.11.Tue~14.Fri,aT Center)
March, Haejuksun rice(miracrice) was selected as Kosmes' HIT500 product (certificate number 2017-137)
February, Haejuksam trademark registration (35, 41-0388801), Haejuksam trademark registration (41, 41-0388805)
December, Haejuksun export conference (December 19 2016 Tokyo)
Septemver, Haejuksun -tea manufacturing-related patent registration(No,10-1662779)
July, Changed company name to Goldenhand (formerly I-Rookie)
February, haejuksun trademark registration (No. 40-1158891)
May, Todi Farm Kosmes' HIT500 product (certificate number 2015-175)